How To Bring Eternal Happiness Into Your Life? Part 3, Tame Your Mind And Desire

Desires are the cause of our sufferings said Gautam Buddha.

Some say that without desire you cannot progress in life. All the inventions you see around you today are the outcomes of desire of someone.

But it is not so. Inventions are the outcomes of wants or needs not desires or wishes. Do not you have any desire but are you able to device some means that could fulfill such desire of people. Everyone has desire but everyone is not an inventor.

Desires only bring sorrow. You desire or expect your colleagues to behave with you in a special fashion and get upset on not finding them acting in the way you wish. You wish your dress to be praised by everyone in the party and are annoyed if no one notices it. These useless desires bring much stress to your mind daily.

What is required is to tune the mind not to give rise to more desires and to stop the tendency of mind to run hither and thither.

Continue with How To Bring Eternal Bliss Into Your Life? Part 4, Understand Your Mind And System


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