Food For Soul Part 2

This is a collection of updates from facebook page of Religion2God. If you have already liked the page, you have already read these messages in parts, now read them all at once and see what have you gained during last few weeks.

Food for Soul

  • Put some good thought daily into your mind.
  • Finding your weaknesses help you to get rid of them.
  • Do we really know ourselves?
  • Everybody finds himself/herself correct from his/her point of view. But all are seldom correct.
  • Religion is your true nature, your true duty, the righteousness and nothing else.
  • Don't think a lot about what you don't have. Think of the ways you can effectively use those things that you already hold.
  • Your mind is fooling you. Don't give it too much importance.
  • The Lord, isn't a businessman. He doesn't want your deals but your faith in Him. The Lord, isn't a businessman.
  • Develop control over your mind because it is the source of all your sorrow as well as the key to peace.
  • The God needs no publicity.
  • You alone are responsible for what you are and what you will be.
  • Understand that you always hold complete authority to make decisions about your acts.
  • Most of the time, your environment controls you. Recognize the trap of environment.
  • Anger and violence are only appreciated when they are used for good cause with no other option available. Otherwise it is merely foolishness.
  • With a good work ahead, think it as the last opportunity. With a temptation ahead, think yourself freed from it.
  • To get access to your mind, first gain control on your body.
  • Be the love, be the power, be the truth, be the knowledge and be the bliss.
  • It's time to act.
  • If you see yourself at zero, let's get started with one. If not, there surely is the next.
  • Nothing and no-one can change you, only you yourself can.
  • The world is full up of distractions. One who remains focused among there, is the real winner.
  • May the world love everyone. May I love everyone. Love is God.
  • Slow and steady wins the race.
  • Pure emotions never hurt anyone, what hurts all is emotions contaminated with selfishness.
  • You are present in all beings as pure consciousness. How can I hate anyone?
  • You are truth absolute, knowledge absolute and bliss absolute. There is nothing better or equal to you.
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