Happy New Year 2011

First of all wish you all a very very happy new year 2011. You must be having special planning to make the year happy. Arranging party and taking resolutions are two of the most popular activities. A party can make you happy for some time so I recommend the second way, as it is more effective if practised rightly. Apart from this, some more tips to make the new year happy are as follows:
1. Meditation: Meditate regularly if you are irregular in meditation. If you have not even tried, then start it now.
2. Speak lesser: Try to remain quieter and talk only when required. This will keep you focussed on your goal and avoid unnecessary attachments.
3. Think positive: Be optimistic and try to think good for all people and events. Emphasize on positive aspect of an event and be ready to face its unfortunate negative aspect.
I hope this will help you all a lot to make your new year happier. HAPPY NEW YEAR 2O11.
(Posted on 1st January 2011)


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