Control Your Mind With Meditation
The biggest question seems to be related to mind control. Many do not even think of mind as something conquerable. They say that it is impossible to control the mind. But the fact is that for even smallest achievement in life you need to have some control over your mind.
Mind is like wind as Arjuna has compared it in Bhagavadagītā. Mind keeps on moving from one point of its interest to the other. Mind has this tendency and it does not rest for a second. This is the reason why Arjuna tells in Bhagavadagītā that controlling mind is even tougher than controlling wind. But the Lord Śri Kṛṣṇa Himself declares that it is possible to control this naughty mind.
As the mind does its work continuously, even when you sleep, its activities are conceived as dreams. So, it keeps on working every time. For controlling the mind also one need to put continuous effort without thinking of how long he needs to apply the effort.
Your mind is your biggest enemy as well as your biggest friend. When you do not have control over your mind, it acts as the worst enemy, pulling you all the way down towards dis-advancement and similarly once it comes under your control you can use its tremendous power to achieve anything in your life and even reach the state of Union with the Divine.
Mind is an untrained horse, dangerous to ride, but your only tool to your destination.
You experience its power in parts daily. Every day you face few situations where you do something even when you know it is not right. Many times you find yourself indulged into some activity even without your awareness of it. Mind is inferior to the intellect and it must obey our intellectual decisions. But what happens in general that the mind overpowers the decisions and makes you work and act in some undesirable and objectionable manner. So, you can understand the tremendous energy the mind produces as thoughts. Mind must be controlled by intellect.
Regular and continuous practice of meditation brings your mind and body into your control. Meditation brings renunciation in life, a state beyond attachment and detachment. You start working selflessly and no more impressions are formed onto your mind. Your mind does not produce any undesirable thought. Your identity becomes as clear as a crystal.
Complete consciousness when you do not meditate and perform your duties keeps your mind under your control.
These things are not as easy as said. But the key of success is practice. The more valuable award you fight for, more tough and dreadful the fight becomes. This state is the end of almost all of your sorrow so for it you will have to work hard and practice these things regularly. Someone had said that things which are easily achieved have no value.
Your success depends upon your own point of view, your determination, your effort, your aspiration and your faith. It is not the kind of knowledge hearing and reading which will take you to the benefits hidden into it. As you cannot learn swimming without getting into the pool similarly there is no way testing the trueness or controlling the mind without practising. Meditation is the key to your success.
Your mind has deluded you enough. Arise, awake and stop not till the goal is achieved as said Swāmi Vivekānanda.
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