Time Management

Time management had always been an area of unending discussion for me.

Management is very important for any limited resource. Everything we have in limited amount has to be managed properly to produce best results out of the stock. For example, our fossil fuels need to have their consumption managed properly to ensure its longer availability. Similarly, our invaluable limited resource of time must also be managed properly for bright future.

There are many who do not think of time as limited. They think that if the work has not been completed today it will be done tomorrow and start the work. At the end of the day they find that the work is incomplete. So, they have a different mentality and that is another area of discussion. If you do not think time to be limited, you cannot think of time management ever.

Those who are not concerned with the time management in their life, face many difficulties, such as excessive work load.

Whatever problem you face in this way of time management is an outcome of your point of view, your mind.

Some say that they have lack of time. On such a question, one of my prefects, Dr. Sudhakar Pande, say that your senior does more work, as he has more responsibilities, in the same twenty four hours. By saying so, he compels to think that where is our extra time going. So, it is not the lack of time but laziness, inactivity and indulgence into some other thing that makes you feel short of time.

Some feel that they waste a lot of time. This is a much serious matter. If you feel such, this thinking lowers your self-esteem and weakens you. This hampers your will power greatly. So before making a notion that you waste your time, think in the way that whether your activities in which you pass most of your time is beneficial for society or humanity or not. If it is so then you are not wasting your time but yes you yet have to learn about time management. I had to say this because many are involved in some good activities but when they do not see any benefit they consider it waste of time and hampers their own will power.

Well the important thing is time management. The first thing that you need to learn is the division of your works on the basis of the priorities they hold into your life. For example, studies hold good priority in the life of a student. So, a student should devote more time to studies than parties and useless gossip. Similarly a businessman should have his business and family as his priorities and he should divide his time accordingly.

After, you decide your priorities you should allot appropriate time to each activity on a daily basis.

This is something that has been said and heard frequently, but what happens is all this is done and peoples with great vigor set a new time table to start with and find themselves again unable to follow up their own time table and decisions. This is just because of above mentioned laziness, inactivity and indulgence into some other thing.

Now, again a person feels the requirement of mind control. Because once the mind is controlled and at peace, you experience a tremendous boost in your concentration, efficiency and stability and find your every decision easy to exercise. So, all you need to do is to practise. Practise what you need to do and you will succeed.


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