Your Choice Between Conscious Life Or Unconscious Death
Be conscious all the time. Being conscious means having proper knowledge and using that knowledge. Unconsciousness produces unwanted effects. Always be aware that you are a soul and are not affected by anything. Always remember that everything you do must be for the sake of good of the world. Never forget your goal of life. Never come in front of anyone when you are not conscious. Unconsciousness may be the result of excessive attachment, sleep, addiction, anger etc. Please avoid these things as far as possible. Sleep is necessary for the body during the sleep you remain unconscious. Don’t interact with anyone when you feel sleepy. Don’t speak anything when you are unconscious. When you are unconscious your samskāras drive you. You are in the period of development. You have lot of samskāras yet. Either you do what has been said above or you clean your samskāras (impression) as soon as possible. Till you become free from samskāras you must force yourself into conscious mood always.
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